For sunny hours - observing the sun easily and safely
The sun is our central star, from which we live. That alone should be reason enough to observe it even more closely. The new Omegon solar filters lets you do that easily and above all safely and are specially tailored to your telescope.
The advantages in a nutshell
- attaches directly - filter in anodized aluminium mounting
- AstroSolar filter foil already incorporated
- filter factor 100,000X
- attach without scratching - 3 aluminium screws with plastic tips
- suitable for 138mm-153mm diameters (e.g. a 127mm Maksutov)
Filter foil in an aluminium mounting
Do you want a solar filter which does not involve any DIY? One which you can simply push onto the end of your telescope and immediately start solar observing? Then an Omegon solar filter is the perfect choice - they come fully assembled in an anodized aluminium mount. Which means you simply attach it and our Sun immediately becomes 'within reach'.