Omegon Advanced 130/650 EQ-320 telescope
Omegon Advanced 130/650 EQ-320 telescope
Omegon Advanced 130/650 EQ-320 telescope
Omegon Advanced 130/650 EQ-320 telescope
Omegon Advanced 130/650 EQ-320 telescope

Omegon Advanced 130/650 EQ-320 telescope

  • Manufacturer: OMEGON
  • Product code: 61022
  • Availability: Available immediately
  • In-Store Pickup
    Tomorrow from 2:00 PM
    0 €
  • Courier Delivery
    2 days
    From 9.99 €
  • Omniva Parcel Locker
    3 days
    From 2.99 €
* Estimated delivery dates.
Product description

The telescope for beginners who finally want to experience celestial objects for themselves

As a fan of the cosmos you’d like to take a look beyond our borders. To see stars, planets and nebulae that give you an impression of the vastness of space? Now you can experience it - without yet being an expert on the sky. This entry-level telescope is easy to use, but so powerful that you can see nebulae that are many light years away. Your travels in the Universe begin now - from your balcony or garden.

The features at a glance:

  • Experience sharp and clear views: with the parabolic primary mirror
  • 1.25” focuser: you can connect other accessories at any time - even from other manufacturers
  • Stable mount: because it makes observing more fun
  • Trouble-free start in the sky: complete telescope with two eyepieces
  • Quickly and successfully find objects with an illuminated LED finder
  • Immediately recognise stars, planets and nebulae - even if you are an absolute beginner

 To boost your view of the skies

You have surely looked at the stars on a balmy summer evening. But did you know that there are hundreds of objects hidden between the stars, that are waiting for you to discover? The parabolic mirror collects so much light that you will distinguish even weak objects in the eyepiece.

What can you see in the sky?

  • Lunar craters: thousands of lunar craters, peaks and valleys: the Moon is full of things for you to see.
  • Planets: Mercury, Jupiter or Saturn. The planets of the solar system are on our doorstep astronomically-speaking, and you will discover many details, such as the rings of Saturn.
  • Globular star clusters: the oldest objects in our galaxy present themselves as balls of fog that dissipate only at their edges. They accommodate up to a million stars.
  • Open star clusters: they sparkle like diamonds against the black night sky.
  • Nebulae: brighter hydrogen nebulae and planetary nebulae.


LED finder: turn seeking into finding

What is your telescope pointing at? The LED finder projects a red dot which becomes your orientation point when you are looking for an object. With the finder and a star map you can master the art of searching for an object in no time.

The mount for observing without drama

Observing only turns into an experience with a sufficiently stable mount. The big plus: the EQ-320 reliably holds the tube and ensures a steady picture. Compared to similar telescopes, the EQ-320 offers a more solid base with minimal vibration.


Product technical specification


Aperture (mm)130
Focal length (mm)650
Max. useful magnification260 x
Aperture ratio (f/)5
Limiting stellar magnitude (mag)12,1
Resolving capacity0,85
Type of buildNewton
Focuser1.25"" Gear rack
Focal ratioF/5
Light gathering capacity345 x
Tube constructionFull tube




Type of buildEQ-320
GoTo systemNo

Recommended for



Weight (kg)16,6

Included accessories

FinderscopeRed dot finder
1.25'' eyepiecesK 25mm, K 10mm

Area of application

Nature observationNot recommended
Moon & planetsYes
Nebula & galaxiesYes
SunNo (only with appropriate Sun filter)

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